As I’m fond of
.....we forget sometimes that we’re animals and have gone through pretty
much the same evolutionary mill as other critters with backbones to get where
we are.
Our athletic ability
is a legacy of our more active ancestors, both human and non-human. If
you think about it, we have a massive spectrum of metabolic rates in our daily
lives – at the bottom end is sleeping where we are basically just ticking over
and the other end is running flat out for a bus or doing something stupid like
participating in a bicycle race. The difference in oxygen consumption
between resting and going flat out can be about 15 fold in mammals and birds.
But it’s not just
more oxygen we need:
- More fuel
- Waste products to get rid of (they are
invariably toxic)
- More blood flow
- All that waste heat to get rid of so we
don’t cook – a fit person flat out can generate nearly 2 kw of waste heat!
Mammalian bodies
have incredibly tight parameters regarding temperature, oxygen levels, fuel
levels, electrolytes, blood pressure, pH etc etc and if anyone of these goes
slightly off limits it could kill us. It’s a mechanism called ‘homeostasis’, controlled by the
hypothalamus in our brain. Without it, soon after sprinting for the bus
we’d be drowning in our metabolic waste products, probably have lost
consciousness due to low glucose and low oxygen levels whilst dissolving in the
low pH of our blood and slowly cooking from the inside. You may even have
died instantly when the blood pressure from your pounding heart burst every
artery in your brain. Like I said – amazing!
Body pH and temperature are particularly
tightly controlled because the enzymes which power all the chemical reactions
in our bodies require very specific conditions in which to work optimally. They
are made of protein so, as well as stopping functioning if things go off
limits, they can also irreversibly ‘denature’ and permanently change shape –
exactly what happens to an egg white in a frying pan.
Our usual body temperature is around 37 degrees
C but anything above 42 Celsius is rapidly fatal.
Our usual body pH is almost exactly always 7.365
– anything more than 8 or less than 6.8 would also be rapidly lethal. This is
also why all those quack health products promising to ‘alkalise’ your blood are
complete horses**t. Anaerobic glycolysis
yields loads of lactic acid which could quite easily kill you if allowed to
become too concentrated - As if you
didn’t have enough to worry about whilst tearing down the A11 on a Saturday
But don’t worry, the hypothalamus takes care
of all this for us.
Below is a picture of my actual brain (yes,
really!). The arrow is pointing to my hypothalamus….
All these systems and machinery to keep us
alive are fantastically complex – the metabolic cost of maintaining it all is
huge. If we were animals of just one speed, like a slug or an amoeba, life
would be so much easier for our bodies, but we’re not. As with most complex biological stuff, our
homeostatic system seems like a mind-boggling feat of evolution but having a
metabolic rate you can throttle up and down at will is a massive competitive
advantage for animals. You can chill out
and conserve energy for most of the time but run like the clappers when you
need to. Even more remarkably, long term stressing of this system causes
the body to supercompensate so that we can rev our metabolic engines even
higher - the training effect.
downside is that maintaining fitness requires a lot of extra metabolic cost,
that’s why we rapidly ‘detrain’ if we stop exercising – the body defaults to
‘energy saving mode’. Why waste all those food resources and calories in
maintaining a super fit body if there nothing around to chase you?
Interestingly, mammals such as rabbits can apparently
go from couch potato to Olympic athlete in just a couple of weeks in response
to predators chasing them more frequently.
The trade off comes down to greater energy expenditure from an increased metabolic rate vs being eaten –
a no brainer really!
I wonder how much faster we’d go if we had a
saber-tooth tiger chasing us along the dual carriageway on race days….
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