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Thursday, 19 July 2012

CC Breckland 15, Scoulton. 35:14

Back to reality…..

  After the freaky API 25 ride, back to the grind.  Wet & windy on the Sunday after, so 90 mins @ 135 bpm on the turbo watching misc documentaries.  Legs felt ok actually – thought they’d be ruined.
  Rubbish weather again Monday, so another 90 mins @ 135.
  Then, hurrah, much nicer day on Tuesday so went out on the MTB for just under 3 hours @ av HR 130bpm.  Felt a bit tired but that’s more to do with a stressful few days with lots of rows at work and lots of shouting at my boss!!  Thank God for cycling – my little bit of Transcendentalism.

  Weds was another day of crap work related stuff so I turned up for the evening club TT feeling a bit down and not really in the mood.  15 miles – a strange distance, not sure I’ve ever done one of those before.  Sluggish warm-up but eventually got going and felt pretty good.

  Because of my mood etc, I couldn’t push too hard, in fact all I could push myself to was a max of just 162 bpm.  Anyway, I must have been going harder than I thought as I was the quickest, which was a total and utter shock.

  Drove home through the most amazing thunderstorm feeling much more upbeat about life in general.

  Those 35 minutes of pure Zen had worked wonders!

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