Back to reality…..
After the freaky API 25 ride, back to the grind. Wet
& windy on the Sunday after, so 90 mins @ 135 bpm on the turbo watching
misc documentaries. Legs felt ok
actually – thought they’d be ruined.
Rubbish weather
again Monday, so another 90 mins @ 135.
Then, hurrah, much
nicer day on Tuesday so went out on the MTB for just under 3 hours @ av HR
130bpm. Felt a bit tired but that’s more
to do with a stressful few days with lots of rows at work and lots of shouting
at my boss!! Thank God for cycling – my little
bit of Transcendentalism.
Weds was another
day of crap work related stuff so I turned up for the evening club TT feeling a
bit down and not really in the mood. 15
miles – a strange distance, not sure I’ve ever done one of those before. Sluggish warm-up but eventually got going and
felt pretty good.

Drove home through
the most amazing thunderstorm feeling much more upbeat about life in general.
Those 35 minutes of
pure Zen had worked wonders!
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