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Saturday, 30 June 2012

Ahhh, that feels sooo much better....

Apply liberally to the old 'udders'.......

Wahey! Back on it again!!!

  Bloody knackered…..

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Friday, 15 June 2012

East Anglian CC 10 - the lurgy and a pitiful 23:06

Oh dear!  Continuing to feel pretty crap.

  After missing most of my half-term week of ‘steady’ cycling, I managed to get out on the mountain bike a couple of times this week.  Still feel under par but slowly getting better.  I just feel so tired all the time – I never seem to be able to get enough sleep despite lots of early nights etc.

  Stupidly, I decided to turn up and ride the East Anglian CC 10 last night on the ‘fast’ B10/3 where I PB’d a couple of weeks ago.  It was windy as buggery but worse than that I went like crap!

  I should have just gone home after attempting my warm-up.  I sat on the turbo initially and felt dead – my legs really heavy and stingy.  I gave up, had a couple of hobnobs and a coffee and tried again.  Slightly better but still puny .  My HR was stuck really low despite trying harder.  Again, should have just gone home but persevered.

  The ride to the turn into the strong wind was pitifully slow with my HR stuck at 150 odd.  Every time I tried to put any effort in, my legs just filled up with lactic and locked up.  I clocked the guy who had started a minute ahead of me after the turn heading home and reckoned he was already a good two minutes ahead now.  I pretty much sat up.


  Had a brief stint at 35mph on the way home in the screaming tailwind but developed a really sharp pain under my ribs on my right side (liver??) that meant I couldn’t stay on the bars for long.  What the bloody hell was that all about?  Crossed the line feeling very strange and found myself trying to vomit on the sliproad off the A11 but nothing came up.  Dear, oh dear, oh dear....

  Didn’t even know what time I’d done until this morning.

  Felt awful on waking up and it felt like a real ordeal doing the 1/2 mile walk to work.  Stupid idiot.  Anyway, I’ve already DNS’ed all my weekend rides, in fact I may not even bother racing again until I get back from Le Mans in July.

Friday, 8 June 2012

A strange week.....

  Oh dear.  The ECCA 10 on the A11 near Newmarket turned out to be a horrendous experience.